These semi precious gems and natural high quality crystals have been charged in the full moon light and infused with high vibrational music to enhance their healing properties.


Red jasper necklace with burgundy tassel on top of grass

Stay grounded in times of volatility

This grounding necklace will help you stay stable in time of adversity.

Shop Grounding Mala
women playing harmonium with turquoise mala necklace with white tassel

Improve public speaking skills

It is so common to have fear when it comes to sharing your voice in public. Let the power of this throat chakra mala serve and assist you.

Shop Throat Chakra Mala
women wearing sunstone necklace with orange tassel with feather

Enhance Sex Drive

Looking to up your libido and connect. Meet the magical sunstone necklace that does just that!

Shop Sacral Chakra Mala